
Urban Biotope

Urban Biotope
University Campus

A biotope, from the Greek "bios" (life) and "topos" (place), refers to a habitat where specific species thrive. In human contexts, this concept becomes the "Urban Biotope," emphasizing harmony between humans and nature for a sustainable future. The Urban Biotope project, a collaboration between Cluj-Napoca City Hall and Babeș-Bolyai University, aims to create a university campus that integrates with nature and enhances residents' quality of life. The campus design respects the natural landscape, using topography and seasonal water streams to shape its layout, while prioritizing sustainability through innovative water management, renewable energy, and green spaces. Key features include the InfoBioNano4Health platform for research, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science to support STEM education, and cultural spaces like the Centre for Life, Art, and Science (CLAS). The campus also includes a student dormitory and sports fields, creating a vibrant community that blends human creativity with natural processes for a sustainable future.

Babeș-Bolyai University / Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Hospitality / Education