UAU Studio

uau or u̯àu is the Italian pronunciation of WOW, inspired by the strong sense of surprise and wide-eyed wonder often found in comic books and pop culture. This energy drives our design journey, just like the expression itself, encouraging us to spark surprise, promote unconventionality, and discovery. That’s why time plays a crucial role in our design process, which goes beyond merely constructing shelters; we tell stories, forge connections, and create environments that inspire.
our belief is in shifting from a human-centric to an ecocentric architecture. traditionally, buildings have been designed around human needs. We now incorporate new variables into our methods: ecosystems, communities, climate, energy, material life-cycles, and, of course, people. we aim to create buildings that function as integrated units, incorporating all the variables of an ecosystem, where human presence nurtures, enriches, and benefits the ecosystem as a part of it.
our projects function as units within a greater ecosystem, reflecting a process that balances sustainability, innovation, and emotional impact. each unit is a living part of its surroundings, shaped by the interplay of environmental, social, and emotional factors.